"Body": "Where is it?\r\nSelect Tile Count Summary from the Tools > Tile Counter menu, or press Ctrl+Q.\r\n\r\nPurpose:\r\nTo display a compiled count of the tiles in the current level. Click on a tile to select it for the <Tile Counter>. Double-click to select the tile and close the window. NOTE: If <Select Current Tile For Counter> is set to True, then selecting a new tile to draw from the <Tileset> will select that tile for the <Tile Counter> and override the tile you double-clicked on.\r\n\r\nTip:\r\nGold Unid Gnats and Armored Unids are each counted as 1 Unid if you have Unids selected.\r\n\r\nSee Also: <Tile Counter> <Select Current Tile For Counter>",
"HelpIndex": "tilecount",
"Index": 74,
"Hide": 0,
"Separator": 0
"Header": " Key Shortcuts",
"Body": "~ - <Level Roll Down>\r\n1 - <Selector Tool>\r\n2 - <Brush Tool>\r\n3 - <Fill Tool>\r\n4 - <Rectangle Tool>\r\n5 - <Rectangle Fill Tool>\r\n6 - <Line Tool>\r\n7 - <Preview Start>\r\nCtrl+A - Select All\r\nCtrl+C - Copy Selection\r\nCtrl+D - Deselect\r\nCtrl+E - Select All Tiles Like Primary\r\nCtrl+F - Select All Tiles Like Secondary\r\nCtrl+G - Toggle Grid\r\nCtrl+I - Invert Selection\r\nCtrl+L - Load Level\r\nCtrl+M - <Level Management>\r\nCtrl+N - New Level\r\nCtrl+O - Fill Using <Secondary Tile>\r\nCtrl+P - Fill Using <Primary Tile>\r\nCtrl+Q - Compile <Tile Count Summary>\r\nCtrl+R - Rotate Selected Tiles Clockwise\r\nCtrl+S - Save Level\r\nCtrl+T - Select All Tiles\r\nCtrl+U - Center On Level\r\nCtrl+V - Paste Selection <Paste Mode>\r\nCtrl+W - Toggle <Overwrite Tiles>\r\nCtrl+X - Cut Selection\r\nCtrl+Y - Redo\r\nCtrl+Z - Undo Last Action\r\nF1 - Help Contents\r\nF12 - Randomize Editor Color Scheme\r\nBackspace - <Level Properties>\r\nDelete - Clear Selected Tiles\r\nEnter - <Play Level> (Preview Play)\r\nPage Up - Load Previous Level <Level Roll Down>\r\nPage Down - Load Next Level <Level Roll Down>\r\n( > ) - Rotate <Primary Tile> Clockwise\r\n( < ) - Rotate <Secondary Tile> Clockwise\r\n( + ) - Zoom In 5 Pixels Per Tile\r\n( - ) - Zoom Out 5 Pixels Per Tile\r\n",
"HelpIndex": "shortcuts",
"Index": 75,
"Hide": 0,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "Tile Counter",
"Body": "Where is it?\r\nLocated in the main tool bar. A picture of the currently selected tile is to the left of its count.\r\n\r\nPurpose:\r\nTo give you a count of how many tiles of the selected type are in your level.\r\n\r\nUse:\r\nClicking on the picture will bring up the <Tile Count Summary> from which you can select another tile to count.\r\n\r\nTip:\r\nGold Unid Gnats and Armored Unids are each counted as 1 Unid if you have Unids selected.\r\n\r\nSee Also: <Tile Count Summary> <Select Current Tile For Counter>",
"HelpIndex": "tilecounter",
"Index": 76,
"Hide": 0,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "Select Current Tile For Counter",
"Body": "Where is it?\r\nLocated in the <Tile Count Summary> window.\r\n\r\nWhat is it?\r\nNo matter if you left-click on a <Primary Tile> or right-click on a <Secondary Tile> in the <Tileset>, the same tile will also be selected as the <Tile Counter>.\r\n\r\nPurpose:\r\nAllows you to monitor how many tiles you are placing of the currently selected tile.\r\n\r\nSee Also: <Tile Count Summary> <Tile Counter>",
"HelpIndex": "useprimarytilefortilecounter",
"Index": 77,
"Hide": 0,
"Separator": 0
"Header": " Getting Started",
"Body": "Thank You for downloading Safrosoft RoX! We hope you find this editor easy to use yet powerful enough to make very fun and complex levels.\r\n\r\n\r\nGETTING STARTED: .........................................\r\n\r\n:: You must first create a level collecton file. This file can be named anything you like with the extension of \".lvl\". When you close help, a message box will ask you for a level collection filename.\r\n\r\n:: Press F1 or right-click on something to get specific help on that item you clicked on. Right-clicking works on almost everything, including all dialog windows. Most windows allow you to hover over a label (by lighting it up) with a mouse, then clicking to get help.\r\nMore: < How to Use Help>\r\n\r\n:: While in help (like you are now) you can click between the <> characters to access that help topic.\r\n\r\n:: Create levels using the tools located to the right of the editor, directly under the <Mini Map>. The tools are <Selector Tool> <Brush Tool> <Fill Tool> <Rectangle Tool> <Rectangle Fill Tool> <Line Tool> and more!\r\n\r\n:: Every level must have Thresher (the blue shark character) and at least one Portal (the yellow cube with the blue sphere inside) before you can save the level.\r\n\r\n:: Just press the Enter key to launch RoX with a preview of your level. Your level will not be saved when you preview it.\r\nMore: <Play Level>\r\n\r\n\r\nQUICK LINKS: .................................................\r\n\r\nJust click on the links below to access that help topic.\r\n:: < How to Use Help> :: Explains this help system.\r\n:: < Did you know?> :: Very helpful tips and tricks you should know about.\r\n:: < Key Shortcuts> :: An alphabetical list of all key shortcuts in the Editor.\r\n\r\nDon't forget to e-mail your compiled level collections to mylevels@safrosoft.com\r\n\r\nThanks again for taking the time to download Safrosoft RoX! Please let your friends know of this free game to help us out!\r\n\r\n\r\n:: Safrosoft\r\n:: www.safrosoft.com",
"HelpIndex": "gettingstarted",
"Index": 78,
"Hide": 0,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "Congratulations Tag",
"Body": "What is it?\r\nThis text will be compiled along with the level collection. It will be displayed when the player completes the last level.",
"HelpIndex": "compile_congrats",
"Index": 79,
"Hide": 1,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "Level Roll Down",
"Body": "Where is it?\r\nThe level roll down can be accessed by clicking on the upside down triangle to the right of the level name (top-right corner of the main window), by clicking on the title itself, or by pressing the \"~\" key which is located right under the Escape key on your keyboard.\r\n\r\nPurpose:\r\nThe level roll down makes it easier for you to load levels.\r\n\r\nTip:\r\nUse the Page Up/Page Down keys to load the previous/next level in the current collection. Once the level roll down is displayed, you may use the Arrow keys to select a level of your choice, then press Enter to load it.",
"HelpIndex": "levelrolldown",
"Index": 80,
"Hide": 0,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "What's New",
"Body": "Version 2.5, compiled on 3/19/2002:\r\n\r\n* <Level Roll Down> added to make things a bit easier.\r\n\r\n* Thresher is now highlighted both in the main screen and in the <MiniMap> to make him easier to notice.\r\n\r\n* Center On Level option from the View menu (automatically activated when loading a level) problem of not centering properly when a small level is aligned to an edge of the screen has been fixed.\r\n\r\n* Congrats tag in compile level is now Proper Case.\r\n\r\n* Other minor bugs fixed.\r\n\r\nIf you have any ideas or bugs, please bring them to my attention by e-mailing them to contact@safrosoft.com\r\n\r\nThanks for all of your support! RoX is better then ever, now with hundreds of new levels created by people like you!\r\n\r\n-Ilya Safro",
"HelpIndex": "whatsnew",
"Index": 81,
"Hide": 0,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "Introductory Tag",
"Body": "What is it?\r\nThese comments will be compiled along with the level collection. You can view them from the Collection menu in RoX.\r\n\r\nPurpose:\r\nFor saving author information like name, website, or anything else up to 240 characters.",
"HelpIndex": "compile_comments",
"Index": 38,
"Hide": 1,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "Level Properties",
"Body": "Where is it?\r\nSelecting Level Properties from the File menu, clicking the toolbar icon, or pressing the Backspace key.\r\n\r\nPurpose:\r\nAllows you to set properties for the current level.\r\n\r\nTips:\r\nChoose colors that will look good together, and nothing too dark. If you would like to set a time limit, make sure it's reasonable, and that you can beat your own level before the time runs out!\r\n\r\nSee also: <Level Title> <Level Light Radius> <Level Time Limit> <Unid Award Time> <Cannon Fire Rate>",
"HelpIndex": "toolbar3",
"Index": 39,
"Hide": 0,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "Level Title",
"Body": "Set a name for your level here. Maximum length is 30 characters.\r\n\r\nTip:\r\nEven though it looks \"Proper Case\" as you type, remember RoX will show it \"UPPERCASE\".",
"HelpIndex": "level_title",
"Index": 40,
"Hide": 0,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "Level Light Radius",
"Body": "This scroll bar sets the radius for the light in tiles. A setting of 10 (default) will light up about 100 tiles (10x10).\r\n\r\nTip:\r\nThe smaller you go with the radius, the more difficult your level becomes. Don't get carried away with trying to make your level too hard. Doing so will only aggravate the player.",
"HelpIndex": "level_lightradius",
"Index": 41,
"Hide": 0,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "Random Level Color",
"Body": "Checking this checkbox off will let RoX set the color for your level. New level colors will be randomly selected when Thresher regenerates or starts a new level.",
"HelpIndex": "level_randomcolor",
"Index": 42,
"Hide": 0,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "Level Time Limit",
"Body": "Setting the time limit scroll bar to any value other than 000 will set the time limit. RoX will destroy Thresher when the time is up.\r\n\r\nSee also: <Unid Award Time>",
"HelpIndex": "level_timelimit",
"Index": 43,
"Hide": 0,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "Unid Award Time",
"Body": "This scroll bar sets the amount of seconds awarded Thresher for each unid collected.\r\n\r\nTip:\r\nYou may set the unid award time even if the level time limit is set to infinate (000). Doing so, will start the countdown of whatever value you set for unid award as soon as the player collects his or her first unid. Collecting more unids will add to the time, therefore placing unids in a strategic place will add to your level's gameplay.\r\n\r\nSee also: <Level Time Limit>",
"HelpIndex": "level_unidaward",
"Index": 44,
"Hide": 0,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "Cannon Fire Rate",
"Body": "Setting this scroll bar will affect the rate of fire for all cannons in your level. Counted in seconds, setting the value to 5 (default), will make all cannons fire every 5 seconds.",
"HelpIndex": "level_cannonrate",
"Index": 45,
"Hide": 0,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "OK or Done Button",
"Body": "Clicking this button will accept, save or apply any changes you have made.",
"HelpIndex": "button_ok",
"Index": 46,
"Hide": 1,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "Cancel Button",
"Body": "Clicking this button will close this window without accepting, saving, or applying any changes you have made.",
"HelpIndex": "button_cancel",
"Index": 47,
"Hide": 1,
"Separator": 0
"Header": " Did you know?",
"Body": "* Use the \"~\" key (located under Escape) to bring a list of the levels found in the current collection. Once the roll down is visible, you may use the Arrow keys to scroll to a level and press Enter to load it. The roll down will disappear. More: <Level Roll Down>\r\n\r\n* Use the Page Up/Page Down keys to load the previous/next level in the current collection. More: <Level Roll Down>\r\n\r\n* Use the arrow keys to pan.\r\n\r\n* Double-clicking on any tile in the level will select all other matching tiles.\r\n\r\n* Hold the SPACE key while drawing to erase.\r\n\r\n* Holding down the S key will enable spunge mode. While enabled (key pressed down) clicking on any tile in the level will select it as either the <Primary Tile> (left-click) or the <Secondary Tile> (right-click).\r\n\r\n* When selecting tiles with the <Selector Tool>, by holding the Shift key, you can add selections to the current selection. By holding the Control key, you can subtract selections from the current selection.\r\n\r\n* Using <Fill Tool> to paint inside any selected tile will paint the entire selection (saturation applies).\r\n\r\n* While drawing a rectangle (hollow or filled) or a line with the mouse button pressed down, \r\n\r\n* While drawing the outline for a rectange or line, you can cancel it by clicking the other mouse button.\r\n\r\n* By pressing the F12 key, you can change the editor color scheme to a new random color.\r\n\r\nSee Also: <Key Shortcuts>",
"HelpIndex": "tip1",
"Index": 48,
"Hide": 0,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "Copy",
"Body": "Copies the selected level to the clipboard.",
"HelpIndex": "lvlmanage0",
"Index": 49,
"Hide": 1,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "Paste",
"Body": "Moves the selected level from the clipboard to the selected level slot.",
"HelpIndex": "lvlmanage1",
"Index": 50,
"Hide": 1,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "Rename",
"Body": "Renames the selected level.",
"HelpIndex": "lvlmanage2",
"Index": 51,
"Hide": 1,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "Delete",
"Body": "Deletes the selected level and inserts a <Holder>.",
"HelpIndex": "lvlmanage3",
"Index": 52,
"Hide": 1,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "Insert",
"Body": "Inserts a <Holder> before the selected level.",
"HelpIndex": "lvlmanage4",
"Index": 53,
"Hide": 1,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "Remove",
"Body": "Removes the selected level and moves the levels under once slot up.",
"HelpIndex": "lvlmanage5",
"Index": 54,
"Hide": 1,
"Separator": 1
"Header": "Up",
"Body": "Moves the selected level one slot up.",
"HelpIndex": "lvlmanage6",
"Index": 55,
"Hide": 1,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "Down",
"Body": "Moves the selected level one slot down.",
"HelpIndex": "lvlmanage7",
"Index": 56,
"Hide": 1,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "Clipboard",
"Body": "Where is it?\r\nThe clipboard is located in and applies only to <Level Management>.\r\n\r\nPurpose:\r\nAllows you to copy levels from one collection into another, or copy from one level slot into another.\r\n\r\nNote:\r\nThe clipboard is not saved when you close <Level Management>",
"HelpIndex": "clipboard",
"Index": 57,
"Hide": 0,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "Holder",
"Body": "Applies To:\r\nHolder only applies to <Level Management>\r\n\r\nPurpose:\r\nAllows you to have temporary holders between your levels. You may move and delete these holders as you see fit.\r\n\r\nTip:\r\nYou must get rid of all the holders before you can exit level management or select a different level collection. To remove a holder, simply paste a level onto it, or <Remove> it.",
"HelpIndex": "holder",
"Index": 58,
"Hide": 0,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "Copy Collection File",
"Body": "Clicking on the Copy button in <Level Management> will create a duplicate collection file named \"Copy of [filename].\"\r\n\r\nTip:\r\nClick the rename button to give your copy a different name if you wish.\r\n\r\nSee also: <Level Collections>",
"HelpIndex": "lvlmanage_copycolfile",
"Index": 59,
"Hide": 1,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "Preview Level",
"Body": "Show you a preview of the selected level, much like the <Mini Map>.",
"HelpIndex": "preview",
"Index": 60,
"Hide": 0,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "Levels",
"Body": "This listbox displays the levels found in the current collection file.\r\n\r\nSee also: <Level Collections>",
"HelpIndex": "levels",
"Index": 61,
"Hide": 0,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "Secondary Tile",
"Body": "The secondary tile preview displays the currently selected secondary tile and its rotation. Click inside to bring up the rotate menu, or press the \"<\" key to rotate 90 degrees clockwise.\r\n\r\nRight-click on a tile in the <Tileset> to select it as the secondary tile. To draw with the secondary tile, use the right mouse button - all tools apply.\r\n\r\nSee also: <Primary Tile>",
"HelpIndex": "selectedtile2",
"Index": 22,
"Hide": 0,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "Preferences",
"Body": "Where is it?\r\nSelecting Preferences from the View menu.\r\n\r\nPurpose:\r\nAllows you to customize the editor and set defaults.\r\n\r\nSee Also: <Level Light Radius> <Cannon Fire Rate> <Form Fade-In Speed> <Center on Screen> <Maximize Editor> <Mute Music While Previewing Level> <Border Color> <Grid Color 1> <Grid Color 2> <Choose Random Color on Startup>",
"HelpIndex": "preferences",
"Index": 62,
"Hide": 0,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "Form Fade-In Speed",
"Body": "Where is it?\r\nThis setting is located in <Preferences>.\r\n\r\nPurpose:\r\nWhen set to a value less than 255, some forms will \"fade in\" to give a nice effect while you are editing your level. The smaller the value, the slower the forms will \"fade in\".\r\n\r\nTip:\r\nThis feature does not affect the editor in any way. It was included for your enjoyment.\r\n\r\nNote:\r\nThis feature works only under Windows 2000 or Windows XP.\r\n\r\nSee Also: <Preferences>",
"HelpIndex": "prefs_formfadein",
"Index": 63,
"Hide": 0,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "Center on Screen",
"Body": "Where is it?\r\nThis settings in located in <Preferences>.\r\n\r\nPurpose:\r\nWhen set to True, the editor will start in the center of the screen when launched, while keeping the current width and height.\r\n\r\nSee Also: <Preferences>",
"HelpIndex": "prefs_centeronscreen",
"Index": 64,
"Hide": 0,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "Maximize Editor",
"Body": "Where is it?\r\nThis setting is located in <Preferences>.\r\n\r\nPurpose:\r\nToggles if the editor, when launched, will be maximized to fill the entire screen.\r\n\r\nSee Also: <Preferences>",
"HelpIndex": "prefs_maximizeeditor",
"Index": 65,
"Hide": 0,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "Mute Music While Previewing Level",
"Body": "Where is it?\r\nThis setting is located in <Preferences>.\r\n\r\nPurpose:\r\nWhen set to True, RoX will mute the music while you are previewing your level.\r\n\r\nTip:\r\nIf you launch RoX independently, music will not be muted even if this setting is set to True.\r\n\r\nSee Also: <Preferences>",
"HelpIndex": "prefs_mutemusic",
"Index": 66,
"Hide": 0,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "Border Color",
"Body": "Where is it?\r\nThis settings in located in <Preferences>.\r\n\r\nApplies to:\r\nThe RoX editor's color scheme.\r\n\r\nPurpose:\r\nTo change the editor's color scheme.\r\n\r\nTip:\r\nTo change all three border colors at the same time, simply change the border color, and automatically, the remaining two colors will be chosen at darker shades. You may change <Grid Color 1> and <Grid Color 2> after you have chosen the primary border color fist.\r\n\r\nSee Also: <Preferences> <Grid Color 1> <Grid Color 2>",
"HelpIndex": "prefs_bordercolor",
"Index": 67,
"Hide": 0,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "Grid Color 1",
"Body": "Where is it?\r\nThis setting is located in <Preferences>.\r\n\r\nApplies to:\r\nThe Rox editor's color scheme.\r\n\r\nPurpose:\r\nTo alter the color scheme.\r\n\r\nSee Also: <Preferences> <Border Color> <Grid Color 2>",
"HelpIndex": "prefs_gridcolor1",
"Index": 68,
"Hide": 0,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "Grid Color 2",
"Body": "Where is it?\r\nThis setting is located in <Preferences>.\r\n\r\nApplies to:\r\nThe Rox editor's color scheme.\r\n\r\nPurpose:\r\nTo alter the color scheme.\r\n\r\nSee Also: <Preferences> <Border Color> <Grid Color 1>",
"HelpIndex": "prefs_gridcolor2",
"Index": 69,
"Hide": 0,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "Choose Random Color on Startup",
"Body": "Where is it?\r\nThis setting is located in <Preferences>.\r\n\r\nApplies to:\r\nThe Rox Editor's color scheme.\r\n\r\nPurpose:\r\nWhen set to True, the editor will choose a random border color every time it is launched.\r\n\r\nSee Also: <Preferences> <Border Color> <Grid Color 1> <Grid Color 2>",
"HelpIndex": "prefs_chooserandomcolor",
"Index": 70,
"Hide": 0,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "New Collection",
"Body": "Creates a new collection file.",
"HelpIndex": "lvlmanage_new",
"Index": 71,
"Hide": 1,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "Rename Collection",
"Body": "Renames the currently selected collection file.",
"HelpIndex": "lvlmanage_rename",
"Index": 72,
"Hide": 1,
"Separator": 0
"Header": " How to Use Help",
"Body": "Right-click on an object or button to view its specific help. All buttons can be right-clicked. Labels will change color when the mouse if moved over them to indicate they are linked to a help topic.\r\n\r\nWhile looking at help, you may search for a topic by typing in a word or selecting a topic from the \"Find Topic:\" combo box. Words or phrases in these Symbols: <> allow you to click and display that topic. Clicking the Back button will show the last topic viewed. Clicking the \"...\" button will display the history.",
"HelpIndex": "help",
"Index": 0,
"Hide": 0,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "Selector Tool",
"Body": "This tool selects tiles for editing. Holding Shift while selecting will add more tiles to the overall selection. Holding Control while selecting will subtract tiles from the overall selection. Using the Fill tool, you can paint all selected tiles at once. Double-clicking will select all tiles that match the one you double-clicked on.",
"HelpIndex": "tools0",
"Index": 1,
"Hide": 0,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "Brush Tool",
"Body": "Selecting the brush tool will enable you to paint with the currently selected tile.\r\nYou may choose the thickness of the brush by clicking on the <Thickness> button.\r\n\r\nSee Also: <Tileset>",
"HelpIndex": "tools1",
"Index": 2,
"Hide": 0,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "Fill Tool",
"Body": "Selecting the fill tool enables you to fill a rectangle shape with the currently selected tile. Clicking inside any selected tile will paint the entire selection.\r\n\r\nSee Also: <Tileset> <Overwrite Tiles>",
"HelpIndex": "tools2",
"Index": 3,
"Hide": 0,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "Rectangle Tool",
"Body": "Selecting the rectange tool enables you to draw a rectangle shape with a hollow middle with the currently selected tile. You can set the thickness of the border by clicking on the <Thickness> button.\r\n\r\nSee Also: <Tileset> <Overwrite Tiles>",
"HelpIndex": "tools3",
"Index": 4,
"Hide": 0,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "Rectangle Fill Tool",
"Body": "Selecting the rectangle fill tool enables you to draw a filled rectangle with the currently selected tile.\r\n\r\nSee Also: <Tileset> <Overwrite Tiles>",
"HelpIndex": "tools4",
"Index": 5,
"Hide": 0,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "Line Tool",
"Body": "Selecting the line tool enables you to draw a line with the currently selected tile.\r\n\r\nSee Also: <Tileset> <Overwrite Tiles>",
"HelpIndex": "tools5",
"Index": 6,
"Hide": 0,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "Level Management",
"Body": "Where is it?\r\nSelecting Level Management from the File menu, or clicking the toolbar icon.\r\n\r\nPurpose:\r\nAllows you to manage your level collections.\r\n\r\nTips:\r\nPlease manage carefully! There are no undos, so every action is final! Make a copy of your level collecton BEFORE you edit it.\r\n\r\nSee also: <Holder>",
"HelpIndex": "toolbar4",
"Index": 7,
"Hide": 0,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "Play Level",
"Body": "Launches RoX with the current level. The menu sequence will be skipped, allowing you to start previewing right away. Pressing the Escape key will exit RoX and return you to the Editor.\r\n\r\nNote:\r\nYou do not have to save the level in order to preview it.\r\n\r\nSee Also: <Preview Start>",
"HelpIndex": "toolbar7",
"Index": 8,
"Hide": 0,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "Compile Level Collection",
"Body": "Where is it?\r\nChoosing Compile Level Collection from the Tools menu, or clicking on the toolbar icon.\r\n\r\nWhat is it?\r\nCompiling a level collection will create a duplicate copy with the .clvl extension. No one can edit compiled level collection files, allowing you to safeguard your levels when you upload them to www.safrosoft.com or give them away to friends. Compiling level collection files also makes them playable.\r\n\r\nPurpose:\r\nTo create a compiled collection file ready for upload or distribution to friends.\r\n\r\nTips:\r\nYou can set how many levels you wish be made available before you compile, plus include lengthy comments if you wish. To allow the player to play any level he or she wishes, set the <Available Levels> combobox to the total number of levels.\r\n\r\nSee also: <Level Collections> <Available Levels>",
"HelpIndex": "toolbar8",
"Index": 9,
"Hide": 0,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "Paste Mode",
"Body": "Clicking Cut, Copy, or Paste from the Edit menu or using the shortcut keys: Ctrl+X, Ctrl+C, or Ctrl+V will enable paste mode.\r\n\r\nWhile in this mode, you can position the selection (which reflects the tiles you copied to the clipboard). Left-clicking will paste the copied tiles in their new locaton. Right-clicking will cancel paste mode, and return the editor to normal function.\r\n\r\nAfter you have pasted the selection, you may invoke paste mode again by either selecting Paste from the Edit menu, or pressing the shortcut keys: Ctrl+V\r\n\r\nTIP: The <Overwrite Tiles> toggle functions while in paste mode.\r\n\r\nSee also: <Cut Selection> <Copy Selection>",
"HelpIndex": "pastemode",
"Index": 10,
"Hide": 0,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "Exit Paste Mode",
"Body": "Clicking OK to this dialog box will exit paste mode and continue with the action you requested. Clicking Cancel will return you to paste mode.\r\n\r\nSee also: <Paste Mode>",
"HelpIndex": "xopastemode",
"Index": 11,
"Hide": 1,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "Tileset",
"Body": "Where is it?\r\nLocated at bottom-right of the editor window.\r\n\r\nWhat is it?\r\nThe tileset contains all the tiles available. Every tool except Selector uses tiles to draw.\r\n\r\nPurpose:\r\nDisplays all the tiles for you to select. Left-clicking on a tile will select is as the <Primary Tile>. Right-clicking on a tile will select it as the <Secondary Tile>. If the tile is able to rotate, pressing \">\" will rotate the <Primary Tile> 90 degrees clockwise, and \"<\" will rotate the <Secondary Tile> 90 degrees clockwise.",
"HelpIndex": "tileset",
"Index": 12,
"Hide": 0,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "About",
"Body": "Thanks for downloading Safrosoft RoX! Both the game and the editor are completely free for your full enjoyment. Have friends? (Hope you do) then let them know about www.safrosoft.com to help us out.",
"HelpIndex": "about",
"Index": 13,
"Hide": 0,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "Disclaimer",
"Body": "Safrosoft is not responsible for any damages caused by our software. It has been thoroughly tested to run in Windows 98/ME/2000/XP.",
"HelpIndex": "about1",
"Index": 14,
"Hide": 0,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "Zoom",
"Body": "Where is it?\r\nTo change the current zoom, select Zoom from the View menu, or click the Zoom button.\r\n\r\nShortcut Keys:\r\n( + ) and ( - ) keys.\r\n\r\nWhat is it?\r\nChanging the zoom will resize all tiles in the level. The numbers (20, 25, 30, etc.) represent the pixel width of each tile. You may set a custom zoom by clicking \"Custom...\" found in the Zoom menu.\r\n\r\nTip:\r\nBy pressing the + and - keys, you can zoom in and out by 5 pixels per tile.",
"HelpIndex": "zoom",
"Index": 15,
"Hide": 0,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "Thickness",
"Body": "Where is it?\r\nSelecting Thickness from the Tools menu, or clicking it in the toolbar.\r\n\r\nPurpose:\r\nTo sets the thickness of the brush or rectangle tool in tiles.\r\n\r\nSee also: <Brush Tool> <Rectangle Tool>",
"HelpIndex": "thickness",
"Index": 16,
"Hide": 0,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "Saturation",
"Body": "Where is it?\r\nSelecting Saturation from the Tools menu, or clicking on the toolbar button.\r\n\r\nPurpose:\r\nAllows you to draw and paint a percentage of the tiles. Choosing 10% will paint about 10% of the tiles. Choosing 100% will paint all the tiles from a brush, fill, rectangle, rectangle fill, or line tool.\r\n\r\nTutorial:\r\n* Start a new level (by clicking New from the File menu or selecting the tool bar button).\r\n* Select the matter tile from the <Tileset>.\r\n* Select the <Fill Tool>.\r\n* Fill in the entire level with saturation at 100%.\r\n* Select the indestructible node.\r\n* Select the <Rectangle Tool>.\r\n* Draw a border around the entire level.\r\n* Select the <Fill Tool>.\r\n* Set saturation to 40%.\r\n* Select the unid tile.\r\n* Click on any matter tile to fill.\r\n* Select the rock tile.\r\n* Click on any matter tile to fill.\r\n* Select the <Brush Tool> and sauration should automatically set to 100%.\r\n* Select Thresher from the <Tileset>.\r\n* Place Thresher anywhere you like.\r\n* Select the Portal tile from the <Tileset>.\r\n* Place the Portal anywhere you like.\r\nWhat you have just created (if you actually followed) is a random level. Try beating it!",
"HelpIndex": "saturation",
"Index": 17,
"Hide": 0,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "Preview Start",
"Body": "Selecting thistools), will enable you to place a temporary starting locaton for Thresher. This tool is especially useful when testing specific parts of a level.\r\n\r\nLeft-click anywhere in the level to place the preview start. Notice you may only place one at a time. Preview starts do not save with the level, so don't hesitate to save while you have a preview start somewhere in the level. To remove a preview start, double-click on it.\r\n\r\nSee Also: <Play Level>",
"HelpIndex": "tools6",
"Index": 18,
"Hide": 0,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "Overwrite Tiles",
"Body": "Where is it?\r\nLocated under the <Mini Map> below the tools and to the right of <Preview Start>.\r\n\r\nPurpose:\r\nThis toggle, when set, allows you to draw (or overwrite) over exisiting tiles.\r\n\r\nShortcut Keys: Ctrl+W",
"HelpIndex": "overwrite",
"Index": 19,
"Hide": 0,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "Mini Map",
"Body": "This map displays a summary of the level. You may click anywhere inside to scroll to that locaton, or click and hold to pan.",
"HelpIndex": "minimap",
"Index": 20,
"Hide": 0,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "Primary Tile",
"Body": "The primary tile preview displays the currently selected primary tile and its rotation. Click inside to bring up the rotate menu, or press the \">\" key to rotate 90 degrees clockwise.\r\n\r\nLeft-click on a tile in the <Tileset> to select it as the primary tile. To draw with the primary tile, use the left mouse button - all tools apply.\r\n\r\nSee also: <Secondary Tile>",
"HelpIndex": "selectedtile",
"Index": 21,
"Hide": 0,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "Delete from Clipboard",
"Body": "Deletes the selected level from the <Clipboard>.",
"HelpIndex": "lvlmanage8",
"Index": 23,
"Hide": 1,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "Clear Clipboard",
"Body": "Clears the <Clipboard>.",
"HelpIndex": "lvlmanage9",
"Index": 24,
"Hide": 1,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "Cannot Create New Level File",
"Body": "The editor cannot create your file. Check for illegal characters or length and try again.",
"HelpIndex": "cannotcreatenewfile",
"Index": 25,
"Hide": 1,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "Delete Level File",
"Body": "Clicking Yes to this message box will delete the level collection file you have chosen. Make sure you really want to do this before clicking. There are no undos for this action!",
"HelpIndex": "deletelevelfile",
"Index": 26,
"Hide": 1,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "Cannot Save Level",
"Body": "Make sure you have placed Thresher and at least one Portal in your level before you save.",
"HelpIndex": "cannotsave",
"Index": 27,
"Hide": 1,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "Cannot Preview Level",
"Body": "Thresher must be in the level for you to preview it! Also, a Portal is recomended to get rid of the \"- Press Enter to restart -\" text.\r\n\r\nSee Also: <Play Level>",
"HelpIndex": "cannotpreviewlevel",
"Index": 28,
"Hide": 1,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "Cannot Cut or Copy",
"Body": "You must select at least one tile before you can copy. To select a tile, simply left-click on it, or click and drag for multiple selection.\r\n\r\nSee also: <Cut Selection> <Copy Selecton> <Paste Selection> <Paste Mode>",
"HelpIndex": "cannotcopy",
"Index": 29,
"Hide": 1,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "Cannot Paste",
"Body": "You must copy tiles to the clipboard before you can paste them.\r\n\r\nSee also: <Cut Selection> <Copy Selection>",
"HelpIndex": "cannotpaste",
"Index": 30,
"Hide": 1,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "Color Triangle",
"Body": "Left-clicking, or holding down the left mouse button while dragging inside this triangle will select that color.\r\n\r\nSee Also: <The Color Picker>",
"HelpIndex": "color_triangle",
"Index": 31,
"Hide": 0,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "Color Saturation",
"Body": "Holding down the left mouse button while dragging inside this rectangle will saturate the <Color Triangle>.\r\n\r\nSee Also: <The Color Picker>",
"HelpIndex": "color_saturation",
"Index": 32,
"Hide": 0,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "Color Shader",
"Body": "Holding down the left mouse button while dragging inside this rectangle will shade the <Color Triangle>.\r\n\r\nSee Also: <The Color Picker>",
"HelpIndex": "color_shader",
"Index": 33,
"Hide": 0,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "Red, Green, and Blue Sliders",
"Body": "To manually set the red, green, and blue (RGB) values for a color, set the sliders to your desired value. Mixing all three colors will give you white.\r\n\r\nSee Also: <The Color Picker>",
"HelpIndex": "color_rgb",
"Index": 34,
"Hide": 0,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "The Color Picker",
"Body": "Where is it?\r\nLocated in level properties (File -> Level Properties) and in editor preferences (Tools -> Preferences). Both windows will have buttons you click to access the color picker.\r\n\r\nPurpose:\r\nThe color picker is used when selecting a color for your level objects (such as nodes, matter, unids, and rocks) and when selecting the editor border colors.\r\n\r\nTip:\r\nWhen selecting level colors, it is a good idea to select bright colors, that blend well together.\r\n\r\nSee Also: <Color Triangle> <Red, Green, and Blue Sliders> <Color Saturator> <Color Shader>\r\n",
"HelpIndex": "color_picker",
"Index": 35,
"Hide": 0,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "Level Collections",
"Body": "This dropdown displays all (uncompiled) level files found in your \"RoX\\Levels\" folder. Each level collection contains numerous levels (up to 999 for all those crazies!)",
"HelpIndex": "collectioncombo",
"Index": 36,
"Hide": 1,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "Available Levels",
"Body": "Where is it?\r\nUnder Properties in <Compile Level Collection>.\r\n\r\nPurpose:\r\nAllows you to set the number of levels to be available after you compile. When playing RoX, you will notice the first few levels (however many you set) will be available to play, and the rest locked. Once you beat a level, the upper-most locked level will be unlocked and available to play.\r\n\r\nTip:\r\nTo let all your levels to be available, simply select or type in your total number of levels. Your total number of levels is displayed in ( ) to the right of the available levels combobox.",
"HelpIndex": "compile_availablelevels",
"Index": 37,
"Hide": 1,
"Separator": 0
"Header": "Delete Collection",
"Body": "Deletes the currently selected collection file.",